Saturday, 3 March 2012

Bee Lesson with Room 1 and 2

On Wednesday February 29 we had the opportunity to join with Room 1 and 2 when the Bee man and woman visited their class. We listened to a lot of interesting facts from them about what they learned about bees.

We observed how bees behave in their hives.

There are three kinds of bees in a hive: queen, worker and drone.

Only the queen in the hive lays eggs. It can lay about 1,500 eggs a day.

Bees have five eyes - two compound eyes and three tiny ocelli eyes.

Do you know that the female bees sting and the male bees (also called drones) don' t?

Bees have two stomachs - one is for eating and the other special stomach is for storing nectar collected from flowers or water so they can carry it back to the hive.

The only insects in the world that make food for humans are the bees.

A honey bee visits 50 to 100 flowers during a collection trip.

Scott talked to Mrs McDonald what he knows about bees.

We asked questions about bees and we learned a lot. We thanked Room 1 and 2 for sharing with us this time in their study about bees.

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