Saturday, 9 June 2012

Fun in the Snow-June 8,2012

School started at 10 AM. We had fun in the snow for an hour after the assembly. It's rarely that we have snow on our playground.

Five lovely girls posing near the statue of Mary.

The "three musketeers".

Just great to play with friends on the snow.

These boys are really enjoying the snow.

Sam and Amanda has a big polished ball pf ice.

Savannah and Himanot made the snowman.

Amanda was holding a big chunk of ice.

The boys tried to decorate their big block of ice with leaves.

That's a huge ball of ice.

It's hard to push this big block!

Enrico climbed up the top of the ball of ice.

Everyone was listening to Mr O'Neill.

This was how it looked like on Sunday at the First Holy Communion mass.

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