Sunday, 28 October 2012

Keeping Ourselves Safe

Constable Kate was with us twice during the second week of the term to teach us on practical and relevant ways to keep safe.

We formed into groups and decided which are the most dangerous situations and least dangerous we encounter in our lives.

These are examples of situations we had to work on in a group.

Star is a meaningful acronym for us. We know what to do if we are in situations which we are not happy about. S means stop, T is think, A means to act and R is report.

Different cartoon stories were given to each group. We had to identify each cartoon story. Is it a bribe, a trick or a secret?

We did a brainstorm on the different equipment we have on cyberspace - the digital technology. We recognized the dangers these things have when they are not used appropriately.

We are grateful to Constable Kate for the valuable lessons she gave us on how to keep ourselves safe.

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