Monday 10 September 2012

Argument letters


We are learning to write different argument letters to express ourselves effectively. The purpose of our argument letters is to persuade the reader to agree with the specific point of view. Our letters have rational wording to bolster emotional appeal. We are writing to different people who maybe able to answer the concerns we have such as a dairy owners, Earthquake Central Business District planners, editor of a newspaper or other authorized people.  

We are also learning to how to write a letter using the correct format.


     Bringing Animals to Zoos
                                   By Benzo Ancheta
We are learning to use the conclusion to sum up
our ideas and reinforce our opinion.

74 Bramwell Street

30 August 2012

Dear Sir

There’s nothing wrong with bringing animals to the zoo. The zoos keep the animals safe and healthy. The zoo keepers feed the animals and clean them.
If they’re in the forest they will be hunted down and get killed. People don’t want that to happen and that’s why people keep animals in the zoo. It’s not for people’s entertainment but for their safety. 
Even if they don’t like it they have to stay in the zoo. I think that the people are wrong not to keep the animals in the zoo. They are safe in the zoo and that what’s important.

Yours sincerely

What Buildings Should be Built in the CBD?
By Bradley
We are learning to use our conclusion to sum up our ideas and reinforce our opinion.

30 August 2012

Dear Sir

My name is Bradley and this may be my last letter to you. This is about constructing the architectural buildings in the CBD. I was thinking about asking if you could use lots of glass and wood because if you use bricks the buildings could have a bigger chance to collapse. As well as wood, it doesn’t fall all the way.
Please use solar panels so you can save power and it can be economical. If you use lots of glass for sunlight you can keep the buildings warm on sunny days. To stay warm on a cold day you can use economic heaters.
What materials can you use for the buildings? You could use wood and glass. When you build the buildings use reinforced wood and glass.

Yours sincerely

What Building Should Be Built In The CBD?
By Ciaran Keighley
We are learning to use the conclusion to sum up our ideas and reinforce our opinion.

August 30, 2012

Dear Sir or Ma’am

My name is Ciaran. I think that builders should make a building that suits everyone. They should look out for the cost because what happens if they don’t have enough money to build it.

The buildings should be safe from earthquakes, floods and all natural disasters. What happens if you’re in the building and an earthquake happens? It won’t turn out good if it is not safe.

The height of the buildings should be not that tall maybe only four or five stories. If it is a factory think about pollution and the cost of materials. They could cost a lot of money. There should be a place for kids in the building. A play area for the kids can have fun in the building. It would be the best building in the world.

Yours truly

Business in the CBD
By Connor
We are learning to use the conclusion to sum up our ideas and reinforce our opinion.

123 Candy Street
Candy Island

29 August 2012

Dear Sir

I am writing this to you to tell you to stop building more malls because some people want to just shop at an ordinary shop, but they cannot because there are too many malls. When people want to go and get clothes they end up getting food or other things they don’t need as well.
People like the mall but I don’t because it is too crowded. Some people just want to eat in peace, but of course they are not going to get their way because there are too many in the malls and it is noisy and annoying.
So if you get this letter please stop making malls not just for me but for everyone who don’t like shopping at malls.

Your friend

Milk Prices Should be Lowered
By Cortia
We are learning to use a conclusion to sum up our ideas and reinforce our opinion.

442 Avonside Drive

29 August 2012

Dear Sir

 I have a complaint that milk is starting to get more and more expensive in shops including supermarkets.

I think you should lower the price down of milk in dairies and other shops that sell milk. It seems like it is rising every year. People are finding it expensive to buy and they can’t afford to buy it more often.
So I hope you lower the price down in every single shop that sells milk. It will be better especially for poor families. 
Yours truly

City Council

By Ijaz Ah Kuoi

We are learning to use the conclusion to sum up our ideas and reinforce our opinion.

93 Cashmere Road

30 August 2012

Dear Mr Gerry Brownlee

My name is Ijaz Ah Kuoi and I send this letter to you because I have a good idea. I’ve been thinking that we can have an aquarium so that we can have an underwater experience which is educational for all. 
If we are going to have an aquarium can we have all kinds of fish, like fresh water fish and salt water fish please? They will be colourful and attractive.

If you’re to going build it I will be so pleased to see it. It could be an icon in the CBD to attract tourists and also New Zealanders who like to be entertained.

Yours sincerely
Ijaz Ah Kuoi

Are Prices of Goods Going Out of Hand?
By Isidora
We are learning to use the conclusion to sum up our ideas and reinforce our opinion.
765 Weston Road

29 August 2012

Dear Sir or Ma’am

I’ve just noticed that the prices of supermarket goods have been getting higher for a while. I think the prices are going higher especially on the gas so I’m complaining.
I’m complaining because the prices are going way out of hand. For example, one day I went to the dairy and the lolly that I wanted was $1.50. The next day when I went back the same lolly costs $2.50.  That was a big difference in price.
I reckon you should put the prices of what you are selling the same as they are before. People can buy more food instead of starving if they don’t have money. It is fair for everyone.

Yours sincerely

Selling Cigarettes
By Iuvale
We are learning to use conclusion to reinforce our opinions.

44 Slater Street

11 September

Dear Sir

My name is Iuvale. I’m nine years old and I go to St Mary’s School. You’re selling cigarettes and I want you to stop selling them from the store because they are not good for us. Smoking is bad for us and of course bad for our body.
Smoking can be really serious. It could make people sick or  unhealthy.  It causes trouble with our breathing and we can die. My uncle smoked cigarettes everyday and then he died. I miss him now.
Cigarettes isn’t right for a mother’s body. This is another reason you shouldn’t sell cigarettes. If there is a baby in a persons’ stomach and that person smokes the baby can be affected. Therefore Sir I want you to stop selling cigarettes because they’re really bad for us. Thank you for reading my letter and for listening.

Yours sincerely

What buildings should be built in the CBD?
By Jenna
We are learning to sum up our ideas and reinforce our opinion.
99 Cowlishaw Street

30 August 2012

Dear Sir

Hi my name is Jenna. Since the earthquake I have been thinking about a nice place to be built in the CBD. It should be a sunny garden place where you can play and read in an awesome and sunny outdoors. 
Little kids would want to go there when they are doing absolutely nothing. They can have parties. It will be earthquake and sound-proof. It will have to be a story tall. There will be no pollution out in the air. The landscape will be as big as a normal cafe. It is super safe for all Children from ages 1-14. The materials should be strong. It will cost between  $100,000-$100,999. It will have solar panels and bright colours inside and out.
So thanks for reading my suggestions.  I hope you keep this in your mind and one day this will come true. It will be cool.

Yours sincerely

Building An Aquarium
By Kiana
We are learning to use the conclusion to sum up our ideas and reinforce our opinion.

6780 Gloucester Street

27 August 2012

Dear Mr Gerry Brownlee

My name is Kiana. I’m nine years old and I come from St Mary’s School. I am thinking about a new swimming pool in the city which should be used by all people so they can exercise and have fun.
I also think about the name of the pool. It has to be called “The Pool City”. I reckon we should put water slides, young pool for children, lane pool for adults and a big fountain. I prefer we should put some more things in the pool like aroma shower bombs with a dice that water comes off it and a gigantic pool playground. Inside the pool should be colourful.
There should also be a small restaurant or coffee shop. There should also be a spa pool. The visitors will like to go if there are a lot of good things they can enjoy.

Yours sincerely

Supermarket Prices
By Lennon
We are learning to use the conclusion to sum up and reinforce our opinion.

28 Laugh Street

31 August 2012

Dear Sir

My name is Lennon. In the supermarkets I think we should have milk cheaper not  dearer, otherwise people will get very grumpy about the price and will not buy it.

I know there are enough cows to milk in New Zealand.  Therefore milk supply should plenty. You can lower the  price so many people will buy it. People will be happy and healthy because they can drink the milk instead of buying soft drinks or juice.

It’s the same thing with cheese and other dairy  products.  So that’s my opinion for now.  Prices of milk should go down.

Sincerely yours

Building a Skifield
By Lexi
We are learning to conclude by summing up our ideas.

111 Office Road

27 August 2012

Dear Mr Gerry Brownelee

 My name is Lexi. I think that the city council should build an artificial covered ski field and not one so far away from town.
My certain reason is that I think we have no ski field in Christchurch. There are ski fields outside of Christchurch such as Cheeseman, Porters and Mt Hutt.
My family and I love skiing but we can’t enjoy it when it is so far away. It would be something nice to do on a hot day so that is why I would like it to happen. We also can’t afford the petrol when we have to travel that far.
So for my conclusion I think that it would be awesome if you made an artificial ski field not just for me but for others who like skiing. It would be great to have one close to town. The tourists might like it too. Please think about it.

Yours sincerely

       Entertainment Park in the CBD
                                    By Lilly
We are learning to use the conclusion to sum up our ideas and reinforce our opinion.

29 Terrace Road

27 August 2012

Dear Sir

Can you please build a new aquarium so people can go and see different types of fish and other sea animals? Sadly the old one got ruined in the earthquake and people still loved going to it before it got destroyed. It was a good place to take your friends too.
Please can you rebuild one because it entertains people like me. It is fascinating to see all the different animals that live in the water and also the different types of fish. It should be earthquake-proof and made of steel and glass.

I hope this will happen and will be a good attraction for our city.

Yours sincerely

What buildings should be built  
 In the cbd?
By Lucy Sparks
We are learning to use the conclusion to sum up our ideas and reinforce our opinion.

888 Ate Avenue Christchurch 

30 August 2012

Dear Sir or Ma’am

My name is Lucy and I desperately think you should have a toy shop in the CBD. It would be especially cool if you made it glass with a big garden in the front for kids to hang out. It should be made of tinted glass and the colour of the tint should be an emerald green. It should have three stories, a different age group for each one. The first story should be baby stuff, the second for six year old to ten, and the last teenagers.
The windows and doors of the toy shop should be just straight glass. The sun should shine through. Make sure the windows are those full wall ones instead of little shaded ones. Have a giant alarm just by the door and all the windows so no burglars can get in and steal your epic toys.
This will be a great addition to the city and I hope you can consider it.  Please do.

Yours sincerely

What buildings should be built in the CBD?
By Michelle Smading
We are learning to sum up our ideas and reinforce our opinion.

30 August 2012

Dear Sir

Hi, my name is Michelle. Lately I have noticed the city has been very empty and I would suggest you to maybe take the time and build more buildings to make our city look beautiful again!
When I was younger I’d always loved going to the museum and checking out new things! So if anything I would really love you to build an earthquake-safe museum
For the material I would suggest wood, because during the earthquake the only houses that stayed strong were the ones made of the good old wood. To get people’s attention, I suppose you should use bright and colourful walls. It will make the buildings stand out!
I’m hoping this letter was enough to convince you to build some cool building. Maybe you could consider building a museum.

Yours sincerely

A letter Complaint to dairy owners
By Molly
We are learning to make our conclusion to reinforce our opinion.

2/192 Salisbury Street

29th August 2012

Dear Sir

You need to lower the prices of dairy products and always put fresh food on your shelves. This way people can’t buy your products that maybe expired. Otherwise you could make your customers very sick and no matter what you say it won’t work. People who own dairies have a choice. They look after their work or lose their business.
People don’t really go to dairies anymore.  They go to supermarkets to buy what they need. Supermarkets have fresh dairy products and they sell them cheap. They keep their place tidy and do good service.  Their food is always fresh and easy to find on the shelves.
Dairies need to look after their store just like the way they do in the supermarkets. They have to lower their prices and always keep their dairy tidy and serve people well. I hope it goes well for you.

Yours sincerely

What buildings should be built in the CBD?
By Nicholas
We are learning to sum up our ideas and reinforce our opinion.

519 Manchester Street

30 August 2012

Dear Sir

My building is a toy store and it is 20 feet high and 15 feet wide. The toy store is cool because it has a water slide right around it. The children will love going there.
The toy store is the best in the world. It is earthquake safe and it gets a lot of sun right around the store. It is popular because it has other fun things for children.
The toy store is cool because many people work there. We sell toys that people haven’t seen before. It is unique.

Yours truly

Entertainment at CBD
By Samantha
We are learning to use the conclusion sum up our ideas and reinforce our opinions.

70E Slater Street

27 August 2012

Dear Mr Gerry Brownlee

It would be so cool if the city council made an aquarium. The old aquarium was in the city. Since the earthquake happened the city is now a red zone. That means no one can get inside the city except for the engineers. We can build safer aquarium made of metal, bricks and thick glass.
An aquarium would be so much fun to visit and it is wonderful to see all the aquatic animals. Visiting aquatic animals are better than staying home watching TV. We can learn a lot of information about the different types of fish. We can observe how they live in the water and see how they look like.
So therefore I think the city council should build a new aquarium for those who are deeply in love with aquatic animals. It will be a good entertainment place. 

Yours sincerely

What buildings should be built the CBD?
By Savannah
We are learning to use the conclusion to sum up our ideas.

28 Merrington  Crescent

30 August 2012

Dear Sir 

My name is Savannah. When I heard that you were rebuilding the city I just want to give you some ideas. 
The first idea I would like to give you is what the buildings should be made of. I think they should be made of recycled materials. I also think the building should be bright and colourful. 
My next idea for the city is that there should be lots of trees and can you try not pollute the air so much. We don’t have to use so much electricity and put more solar panels.
Thank you so much for reading my letter.

Sincerely yours

What building should be built in the CBD?
By Tim
We are learning to use the conclusion to sum up
our ideas and reinforce our opinion.

123 Awesome Street

30 August 2012

Dear Sir

My name is Tim. I heard you are building new buildings in the CBD. I would like to suggest to you that you should make some offices because some people don’t have jobs.

It would be nice if you could make a big lolly shop so that children can go there to buy treats once in a while. A theme park would be cool too. If you are going to make buildings for children you should make them up to earthquake standards. You should also check the land to see if it’s safe to build on.

 Would you make buildings for children friendly not just for adults? The job rate is low in Christchurch so offices for adults won’t be a bad idea to build. If the buildings aren’t safe, then I’m sure I wouldn’t go there.

Yours sincerely

Letter to the Editor
By Scott Berryman
We are learning to use the conclusion to sum up ideas and reinforce our opinion.

21 Gilby Street

30 August 2012

Dear Sir

I’m mad! It is because the soldiers in Afghanistan should stay there and do their jobs. We sent the soldiers over there to help with the problems in areas that are in trouble.
It was a bad idea from the start about sending them to Afghanistan. We have 10 soldiers who died already. It was sad for their families to lose them. It’s not a good idea that we sent them there, but they should continue to stay.
Therefore our soldiers have to stay in Afghanistan and finish their work. Then they can come home. 

Yours sincerely

A Person Jumps Off the Plane
By Joseph
We are learning to sum up our ideas and
reinforce our opinion.

Flat 2/192 Robot Street

30 August 2012

Dear Sir

I am writing this to you because there is a man who jumped off a plane and broke his back. He was meant to open his parachute but he couldn’t so he got hurt.

I think the man should have stayed in the hospital and not go out to do it again. The people in the hospital just let him go with no operation or an x-ray on his back. My point is that he should not do things that get him hurt again. He should not have left the hospital because he is still hurt and not very well yet.  

Do you think your customers should jump off a plane and get another accident? I think you should make sure they are safe and check that their parachutes work. Thank you.

Yours truly

We hope you enjoy reading our argument letters. 






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