Wednesday, 26 September 2012


September 4, 2010 will be etched in our minds and the history books as the first day the earthquake struck Christchurch. In our report writing we included our earthquake memories on the first time it happened. Some of us also recalled on the other times they occurred. Here are our written reports:

Report on the Earthquake

By Scott Berryman

We are learning to write a report about our earthquake memories.

I am doing a report on Scott Berryman’s experiences on the Feb 22nd 2011 earthquake. He said, “It was a dangerous feeling.” I will see into this.

He was at school playing tag under a dangerous building. He saw all the kids run so he ran too. The next thing he knew, he saw the window he was standing near earlier, broke into pieces.

He saw everything moving. Scott ran on to the field and stood still. “It was a horrible experience,” he said. He saw a lot of kids crying. Then his dad came and took him home. There he saw all the smashed roads and he sadly told himself, “I will never see the city the same again.”
Scott wishes he could rewind and see the city look  the same as before. He thought it has changed forever. 

Constructions are everywhere now and more places have opened. Christchurch will recover.   

Earthquake Anniversary
By Savannah
We are learning to write a report about the anniversary of the earthquake.

On February the22nd 2011 was the anniversary of the earthquake. That morning I leapt out of bed, got dressed and got ready for school. We were eating lunch when it happened first the ground started to shake even though we all knew what to do in an earthquake.  We ran around like wild animals around the court. Five or 10 minutes later we sat in groups together and started to talk. I found out that a computer fell on someone’s leg. I was scared that my mum would not come because she could have been injured in the earthquake.

I was in another school then and on Thursday we were given an ice block and ordered a hotdog. We got an ice block to calm our nerves. My mum came to pick me up. We had to wait in the traffic. Finally we got home and I looked around the house and there was a lot of damage inside our house. The TV in my room fell on my bed.  Then we picked up my dad from work.

There are a lot of bumps on the roads and also rubbles. A lot of buildings were down. I think the city looks empty now because some buildings are not there anymore.  But new ones are being built again. They must be better and stronger so they will not fall down when earthquake happens again.

Earthquake Memories
By Samantha
We are learning to write a report about our earthquake memories.

On September 4, 2012, an earthquake hit Christchurch at half past four in the morning. Many people were affected. Luckily one of my friends, Samantha did not get affected. The earthquake was so big that it turned off some people's electricity.

Before the earthquake happened Samantha was lying in bed sleeping quietly. Suddenly she heard rattling noises. At first she thought they were just cars passing by. But  she realized, it was an earthquake. Samantha laid there terrified. Apparently from the news it was 45 seconds long.

Samantha’s family turned the on the TV and watched the news. They saw houses and buildings that were destroyed and damaged roads. There were helicopters with news people finding out what was happening.

Samantha thought there would be a tsunami warning, but luckily there wasn't. She was scared because it was a big disaster. Her relatives from the Philippines were worried and rang how they were. That was Samantha's first experience of an earthquake in Christchurch.

Earthquake Anniversary
By Lexi
We are learning to write a report about our earthquake memories.

It was Tuesday February 22, 2011 at 12:51 PM. Alarms, dust and death all came at once. You never thought you would see Christchurch in that state, destroyed and sad looking. Well you are looking at it when that 6.4 struck us. We would never be the same. Some say it will take years to recover from the destruction of the earthquake.

So, Claudia could you tell us your story. “Well I was in the middle of a gardening club meeting. I put the members of the club in a line and the earthquake hit. It was bad timing when my sister sat.” Then we all went outside on the playground and waited.
When mum came and got us we went home. What a relief dad came and he took us to Queenstown. We stayed for three nights at the holiday home of my Dad’s boss. We went to my cousin’s wedding.

Christchurch wasn’t ‘normal’ when we came back. It looked a sad place and it was not the same. But now it is recovering. There are new modern buildings, roads are fixed and people are happier.

Earthquake Anniversary

By Lennon

We are learning to write a report
about the earthquake.

On September 4, 2011 when the earthquake happened I  got a fright.  It was 4:36 in the morning and I had to go to the lounge. My Mum and Dad had to find a candle and we had to be careful of the glass on the floor that broke.

Leslie and I had to go and sleep in the lounge. I couldn’t get any sleep so I  cleaned all the mess in my room. In the afternoon Mum and Dad and Leslie were listening to the
radio and I was listening to what happened.

I was starting to get used to feeling the aftershocks. It was sad about the earthquake because the each time the aftershock happened it was shaking the house and it felt like a roller coaster ride.  But the sad thing was earthquake is dangerous to people, animals and buildings.

The earthquake has stopped and people are happy about that. Not many buildings are there anymore in the city. But new ones are being built which is good news.

Jenna’s Earthquake Memories
By Lilly
We are learning to write a report about
our earthquake memories.

On September 4th 2012 at 4:36 in the morning an earthquake struck. Mum came with dad and dad came with our tabby dog, Monty in the dark. They came to Jenna’s and her sister’s bedroom. Jenna and Lilly herd a bang crash while Jenna’s and Lilly’s younger sister Phebe was still asleep. Jenna tried to wake Phebe up but then she did when Jenna yelled in Phebe’s ear. Lilly had to jump on Jenna’s and Phebe’s new mattress because Lilly thought their bookshelves had fallen down.

Lilly was the last one to get out of the room. Lilly got to the door frame were Jenna and her family were. Lilly was getting cold so their mum gave Lilly a big duvet so then Lilly sat down on the ground. Their dad then went outside to grab his torch. Then their dad came and so they went to their parent’s bed.

Jenna’s sisters were shivering with fear. Later on it got brighter outside. Jenna’s family went out to see if any people got hurt. Luckily none got hurt but their dad had to start up a barbeque.

Jenna and her family are still talking about the earthquake and it has never been the same because a couple years later they were in the red zone. Now Christchurch has changed so much. The people have been coping well and have become stronger.

Earthquake Memories

By Isidora

We are learning to write a report about our earthquake memories.

Hi, I’m reporter Joan and I’m going to tell you what Isidora told me from her earthquake memories.
Well the other day I went over to Isidora’s house to ask her what she remembered from the February 6.3 magnitude earthquake. She first said what she was doing. She said that her friend asked if she needed to go to the bathroom because Victory, a girl from Room 3 had to go. Isidora said, “Nah I don’t need to go, I’ll just wait here for you.”

About two minutes later it started shaking. Isidora was really scared, she rushed to the field where she was safe. After all the kids were on the field her dad got to school and her mum came 30 minutes later. After two hours my family came and I felt calmer than before. But that night I couldn’t go to sleep because I remembered all that had happened that scary day.

When I woke up the next day I saw buildings fell down and some people were hurt. When I went back to school after three weeks, everyone was talking about the earthquake. Christchurch didn’t look the same. The people have been brave and are coping better now.

Earthquake Memories

By Ijaz Ah Kuoi

We are learning to write a report about our earthquake memories.

On September the 4th 2010 at 4:31 AM, Ijaz was awake in his bedroom and on the other side was his sister Isra.

Ijaz couldn’t go to sleep until his dad yelled. “Earthquake!” Everybody in the house woke up and went to the door and they couldn’t walk because of the earth’s shaking.

After the earthquake they took off their pyjamas and put on their clothes and went outside. They heard alarms, police cars and an ambulance.
When they were outside they saw their neighbour and his dad said to him “Is anything broken?” and he said “No”.
Ijaz was cold so he asked his dad, “Can we go and check on grandma and granddad?” and his dad said, “Yes.”

They were off to see his grandma and granddad to see if they were alright and they were. Their power was off and they used candles. Isra stayed with them. Ijaz and his family went back home if anything was broken. They watched the news on TV and saw what happened in the city.

Most of the buildings were gone in the CBD and Christchurch looks like a deserted place. Some people left but others still stayed because it is their hometown. 

Earthquake Memories

By Molly

We are learning to write a report about our earthquake memories.

My sister Kayla was very upset because she thought it would be a happy day on September 4, 2010 but the day was shocking. The earthquake was 7.1 and it was really bad. Lots of people were ringing their families and checking if they were okay. Lots of people were shocked as what happened was like a volcano had erupted.

It was Kayla’s birthday and she was disappointed. I felt really sorry for her because she was looking forward to having her tenth birthday. She told me this was going to be her dream birthday.

There were violent shaking, bricks falling off houses, people screaming as loud as they could, including  myself who was so scared. Mum and I went outside for the rest of the night as people were checking if they’re ok.

Kayla was so disappointed her birthday was not happening and I wished I could’ve made her feel happier.  The best thing is we’re alive and she’s alive. 

Earthquake Memories
By Kiana
We are learning to write a report about
our earthquake memories.

It was a nice sunny day. Kiana came out to breathe in the air but all of a sudden there came a huge shake. Then some buildings started falling down. The entire St Mary’s children came out and run straight away to the field. After a while it stopped a bit. Kiana’s dad and brother came. Her brother ran straight away to Kiana and Keisha. Kiana’s dad was stuck at the other side but later another big earthquake came. She was worried because her mom was alone at home. Luckily Kiana’s auntie Anne was there.

On that day Kiana’s other auntie died. Her auntie Ivy who was a Filipino nurse studying English on the CTV building died. She would never forget her auntie.  Then the aftershocks were over one day. Kiana went out to get the mail when she saw the newspaper and her auntie was on it.  It was her saddest day. On that day Kiana kept on praying the Hail Mary with her brother, sister, dad and her mom.

Christchurch is being repaired. They are fixing the buildings in the city. Buildings are built stronger and they are more modern. They are also making the roads safer.  People are more aware what to do during aftershocks. 

Earthquake Anniversary

By Lucy Sparks

We are learning to write a report about our earthquake experiences.

On September fourth 2010 Lucy Sparks woke to loud rattling. The shaking hadn’t started yet. Her whole family was under doorways, waiting. Then as if she was in a torpedo, she jumped over her sister’s arm and her mother’s. The shaking started with a jolt. She crouched down screaming like her sisters and father. Her mother however stayed silent. She had been through this before. Forty five seconds is how long it took. Lucy had expected a lazy Saturday doing nothing, how wrong she was about that.

The shaking stopped as suddenly as it had started. Christine (Lucy’s mother) taught her children how to brace in the doorway if the roof came down. Lucy stayed in the living room doorway until 7 o’clock in the morning. She edged away from it as the family retreated to her mother and father’s bedroom.
Her family went for a walk around three o’clock in the afternoon. Lots of buildings were ruined and roads were damaged. That was the day that changed her life forever.  

 Earthquake Aftermath


We are learning to write a report about
our earthquake memories.

The September earthquake was a bit scary for me, but I’m going to interview Joseph and ask him a couple of questions on what happened at his house. 

It was unexpected. Everyone was silent in the house when at 4:30 in the morning on September 4, 2010 something was picking up the house and dropping it back down. Joseph was half awake when the shaking happened.
Joseph’s mum went in all their rooms and got them out in the car. They drove to the airport and went around and then stayed in a motel for the night.

The next day on their way home, they saw broken buildings and some of them fell down. Other houses had their roofs and chimneys damaged. People were walking on the streets looking sad and looking around on what happened.

Joseph said there are a lot of good things happening in Christchurch. The broken houses are being rebuilt. There are hardly anymore aftershocks. People have recovered.

Earthquake Aftermath

By Tim

We are learning to write a report about 
our earthquake memories.

Many died in the February 22nd earthquake. Houses fell down. People’s houses were damaged. My family’s house was damaged that day and ruined almost everyone’s life in Christchurch. Let me tell you what else happened.

On a nice sunny day, Tim was playing tag around a building. He was having fun until fate came and wreaked havoc over Christchurch. Tim ducked down quickly and ‘turtled’. ‘Turtled’ means that you duck down and cover your body to protect you from falling objects. You are most likely to turtle in an earthquake.

The principal, Mr O’Neill shouted, “Get on the field.” Tim ran as fast as he could. As he ran he saw the presbytery fell down and couldn’t believe what he saw. He got in his class lines. Mr O’Neill put the radio on to see what was the magnitude. Tim walked over to listen. He heard that it was a 6.3 and it was 5km deep. Then he remembered about his family and was so worried. The school huddled down and said the prayer, ‘Hail Mary.” He just waited for his grandfather to pick him up. It was around 2:00 O’clock when his grandfather came.

Christchurch will never be the same because of that day.  Rest in peace to the 186 people who died. 

Earthquake Memories
By Connor
 We are learning to write a report about our earthquake memories.
On the 4th of September 2010 I was in bed and when I opened my eyes the whole house started shaking. I was so thirsty but I couldn’t get a drink because I was too scared. The power was on until the second earthquake came. Then the power suddenly went off. 

We got in the car and drove around town. There were people outside in their pajamas and they were really tired. We went past lots of buildings and saw lots of rubble. I had to go home because I was so cold.

After the drive we went home and watched the news. The guy said that there were going to be more earthquakes, so I went to bed.

Everyone was affected and scared that they would lose their homes.  Some people had to move out and live somewhere else because their houses were broken and damaged. At present builders are busy rebuilding houses and shops. People are hoping that there will be no more aftershocks.

Earthquake Anniversary

By Michelle Smading

We are learning to write a report about
our earthquake memories.

September the 4th 2010 was a day when people were shocked of how the city shook. Michelle and her family were terrified! In fact it was her brother’s birthday that day. Just imagine how unlucky you would be to have your birthday the same time when the earthquake took place. It was a terrible time.

We lost many things that day but most importantly the welcoming people of Christchurch. Michelle had thought that the beautiful city she had once been living in, had floated away like a balloon. What I mean is Christchurch became a ghost place. Most of the buildings collapsed especially the important ones such as the magnificent Catholic Cathedral.

But Michelle was wrong for she hadn’t realized how much courage and bravery the people of Christchurch were filled with, to go through such a very tough time.
From today onwards the people of Christchurch are always prepared for another earthquake. 

Earthquake Experience

By Benzo

We are learning to a report about our earthquake experiences.

It was February 22, 2011 at 12:15 at lunch time. Benzo and his friends were in the gardening club. They were just going to start when there was a big earthquake. Olivia yelled, “Go out, go out!” Everyone was crying. Benzo held with his friends tight and went outside. When Benzo was going out he saw everything fell down, even the heat pump. 

When Benzo went outside Mr O’Neill said, “Run to the field!” When he went to the field he gathered together  with his friend and waited. Loads of people were crying. He was so scared. Mr O’Neill said our parents were going to pick us up. He was so glad that it was over. People were giving stickers to the people who were upset and sad.

Later on there was so much traffic. Benzo’s mum was home and the rest of the family were still on the road when they arrived home. It was a disaster. There was no electricity and no water. It was a big mess and there was so much liquefaction. A few weeks later they got all the liquefaction out. They got electricity back. 

Christchurch is now rebuilding from the earthquake. This was a good interview about Benzo’s earthquake experiences.

The Second Earthquake Anniversary

By Bradley

We are learning to write a report about our earthquake experience.

It happened on September 4, 2010 at 4:30 AM in Bradley’s house. Bradley was sleeping when he felt a strange feeling from under his bed, a mild shaking at first then a violent, bone-rattling earthquake.

“Wah?” he said as he woke up. “Aaah, it’s an earthquake! Dad, Mum, Daniel! It’s an earthquake.” “Get under the doorway!” said his dad.

Bradley went under the doorway and the shaking stopped. He couldn’t get the sound of the glass shattering and the sound of the shaking out of his head. He knew that this was going to change the history of Christchurch. He was living through history. The day after his house didn’t have electricity so he couldn’t watch the news. His family went to the house of his mother’s friend named Jennifer because they had the electricity an hour before they came. Later on Bradley’s family couldn’t stay in their friend’s house any longer. They went to Timaru for a week. 

All week when it wasn’t rainy Bradley, his mother and Daniel went for a lot of walks.  They had a lot of fun going down hills and walking to the park, then to the beach and back again. Bradley rode on his rip stick up and down the hilly-hills of Timaru. They stocked up on food at the local Pak ‘n’ Save then went ­back to ChristChurch. When they got back they all stared in amazement at the silt, the buildings and the broken CBD buildings.

Two years later the city of Christchurch is still affected by the earthquakes and the CBD is still cordoned off and only special areas are open to public. 

I am very sad for Christchurch as the city was affected the most. Lots of people lost their jobs because their buildings fell and their companies lost all the money to pay the workers.









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